The Gift of Apples

A coworker and I have a unique love language, a ritual where we will randomly gift each other fruits. The other morning, I walked into work and saw a beautiful ripe apple on my desk. I was incredibly grateful yet found myself wishing for something different—watermelon. Unfortunately though, watermelon just isn’t in season.

I felt God speak to me. He said, “I know you really want watermelon right now, but what about apples?” Don’t miss out on apples because you’re too busy wishing for watermelon. Don’t miss out on this season because you’re wishing for another.

The funny thing is, once I actually ate the apple, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and in that moment, my heart longed for absolutely nothing except the apple in my hand.

Truth be told, it’s not during my time with God I find myself longing for a husband; it’s usually when I am not spending time with Him. Likewise, it wasn’t while eating the apple I found myself wishing for watermelon; it was prior. When we immerse ourselves in the season we are in and especially in God, we are satisfied, and we long for nothing but what’s in front of us.

The thing about apples is they’re always in season. In our modern day supermarket, an apple is something that never disappears. No matter what time of year it is, there will always be apples. Our relationships with others aren’t necessarily permanent and often are seasonal. Even in marriage, one of us will inevitably have to say goodbye on this side of eternity. The relationship you have with yourself and with God are the only relationships that will always be in season. They’re the only relationships that will be with you day in and day out for all of your existence no matter what happens. Why do so many of us take it for granted? Why do so many of us try to escape our season of singleness instead of using it to grow and strengthen the most important of relationships? God is right there next to you, patiently waiting and saying “I know you really want marriage right now, but what about us?” Don’t miss out on the joy of your relationship with God because you’re too busy wishing for more.

I pray this inspires the single woman to seek contentment in her Creator, to realize that just because this chapter doesn’t seem incredibly exciting doesn’t mean it’s not an incredibly important part of her story. And lastly, I hope she will pray for me as well; I too am learning to love apples.

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