The Gift of a Good Steward

Sometimes I struggle with what to post on social media. If I post about my faith, some people will think I’m self righteous. If I post a selfie, some people will think I’m self absorbed. If I post a full body photo, some people will think I’m showing off. These are just some of the thoughts that run through my head sometimes. But what is it these thoughts all have in common? The words “some people will think” come to mind. The truth is, the older I get, the more I realize this just doesn’t matter. What does God think? That’s what matters.

God gave me a voice, and if I chose not to use it to bring Him glory, I wouldn’t be a good steward over what’s been given to me. God gave me a talent for writing, and if I didn’t use it to further His kingdom, that talent would go to waste. God gave me health and confidence, and it’s ok—it’s more than ok; it’s God honoring to show up that way. Don’t dim your light for the sake of others. Instead, check your heart. Ask yourself if your actions are to gain attention and approval from man or are you simply being yourself, walking in authenticity, and being a good steward of what you’ve been given?

Being a good steward means using what God has given you to bring Him glory.

The Gospels are full of wisdom, and as I went through Matthew last week, I came to The Parable of the Talents. The parable is about a master entrusting his servants with resources and watching what they do with what they’ve been given. The servant with five talents used them to make five more. The servant with two used them to make two more. But the servant with one talent took his and hid it away, and this displeased his master.

We all have gifts, and we cannot please God while hiding those gifts away. We cannot please God while hiding ourselves away.

I went through a phase in my life where all I wanted to do was hide. I called this my rock bottom. This was ok for a season because I wasn’t stagnant. I was hiding away in the arms of God, and He was using that time to show me who I was. But there comes a point when it’s time to move forward and share what you’ve received with others. There comes a point when it’s time to come out of hiding.

Being a good steward means showing up as the person God created you to be and walking in truth.

In order to be a good steward, we must have faith in the sovereignty of God. How can we steward well what we’ve been given if we are too busy worrying about what we don’t have? Thankfully, I’ve never been someone that struggles too much in being content with where I am. It’s not that I don’t desire things I don’t have from time to time, but I’ve never let it consume me nor rob me of my peace. Faith is the only thing I have that enables me to have peace in every season I’m in—not even faith that things will necessarily get better, but faith in God’s sovereignty, faith that He is in control, and He has a plan to prosper me, faith that He ultimately knows what I need and what is best for me. I’ve always had faith that God would provide, even as a very immature Christian. It was this faith that positioned me to be brought up and blessed with more. Even at my rock bottom, I still had faith, and I still had peace. Thus, God was able to move in my life which led me to where I am today.

Part of being a good steward is being grateful for what we’ve been given and being at peace with where we are.

We each have a responsibility to be good stewards over all we have been given. This means using our time and resources in ways that honor God and advance His kingdom. This means having faith in God’s sovereignty and realizing He knows what’s best for us and when.

My ultimate goal in this life is to give back to God some of what He’s given me. Being a good steward is a form a gratitude and gratitude a form of worship. I hope this message inspires someone out there to worship today—to come out of hiding, to use what God has given them, to be content in the season they’re in, and give thanks to God for all He’s entrusted them with.

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