The Gift of Him: Choosing Between the World and the Word

We live in a world where truth is being made obsolete. Truth to many is no longer concrete but becoming more and more fluid. The truth is though, truth is not subjective. Truth is not relative to each individual person. Truth is truth. He is truth, and the truth is Him. When we attempt to distort truth in order to fit our own needs, we are attempting to become our own god. This temptation—to become like God—has plagued mankind from the beginning.

I want to make a disclaimer. I am a Christian. I am someone who accepts and truly believes in the validity of the Bible. I have many reasons for this, reasons which I choose not to go into for the sake of this post because today I want to focus on something else. I want to preface this post with that because I assume not every reader will be Christian or accept the authority and validity of Scripture. For those readers, I want to encourage you to do your own research as to why you have good reason to believe the Word and especially the death and resurrection of Jesus.

This message isn’t just for atheists and agnostics. This isn’t just for those that outwardly reject God’s Word. You don’t have to outwardly reject the Gospel in order to be deceived. This message is also for those who believe they can have one foot in the world and one foot in the Word, those who believe they can take The Gospel and New Age concepts creating this happy medium between the two, their own personal religion, those who believe truth is subjective. The Bible tells us there will be a whole subset of people who will claim to love God, but actually don’t know Him, and those won’t make it to Heaven. (Matthew 7:21-23)

“How do I know if I’m in that subset of people?” you may ask. God looks at our heart posture—what drives you, what motivates you. God sees all of these things. Those that truly love Him won’t be deceived, but those who love themselves more than Him will be. It’s happening right now before our eyes.

When it really comes down to it, people can be divided into two categories: those who are motivated by love and those who are motivated by power. In today’s world, the self is idolized. So many people would rather be worshipped than loved. This was Satan’s plan from the very beginning, remember?

We all know the original sin. Lucifer (Satan) didn’t want God’s love, he wanted to be God; he wanted to be worshipped! Thus, he was cast out of Heaven, descending into the world where he took the form of a serpent and deceived Adam and Eve. “You can be like God!” he told them. Fast forward thousands of years, and here we are again, here he is again, tempting man with the very same lie! “You can be your own god! Your truth is the truth!”

Psychic readings, tarot cards, using God’s creation (ie crystals) to manifest things, using Law of Attraction and manifestation to get what you want—all of these fall into the same category: divination (aka witchcraft) and in simpler terms, becoming your own god!

And no wonder Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14)

Let’s talk about light and love. Satan isn’t going to parade around in a red suit with horns and fangs. No, he disguises himself as light and love. But the thing about disguises is this: they aren’t truth; underneath it all, something else lies beneath. In this case it’s the opposite of light and love—it’s darkness and evil.

There are only two spiritual sides—there’s God, and there’s Satan. There’s light, and there is dark, that is, the absence of light—the absence of God. There is no in between. When people participate in divination, they are (often times unknowingly) calling on dark forces because it’s not the Holy Spirit. We know this because Scripture explicitly tells us to stay away from these practices. We know because of Scripture, no matter how convincing it may be, it is counterfeit.

The deceived think because something seems good for a time, it must be good, but that’s the deception. Adam and Eve tasted the fruit, and they saw it was good. (Genesis 3:6) It wasn’t until later, when they came face to face with God, they realized the fruit wasn’t so good after all. Just like in the beginning, so will it be in the end when the deceived come face to face with God. History continues to repeat itself.

Those that love God more than power, will not be deceived. Those that truly love God, won’t be persuaded by the prospect of being their own god because they love God more than themselves! They don’t want to be their own god. They don’t want to live in a world without Him.

What it all boils down to is what you desire most in your heart. This will determine the path you choose. Will you look for a short cut or submit to God’s timing? Will you attempt to manifest your own reality or trust God’s sovereignty? Will you live by the truth or attempt to create your own? What it really boils down to is you versus Him. Who will you choose?

In a world of uncertainty, disappointment, pain, and despair, we all need something, someone we can rely on. We need someone who has been through everything we have been through and more so He can relate to us. That person is Jesus. There is nothing that this world has to offer that can ever compare to the love of Christ.

The truth isn’t muddy, misleading, confusing, or lukewarm. The truth isn’t blended or multifaceted. The truth is clear, easy to understand, unchanging, and eternal. The truth is written; the truth is the Word, and the Word is Him.

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